Worm wee is a poor choice of words to those who know the ‘outputs’ of worms. Worms do not produce copious quantities of urine. What is commonly referred to as worm wee is in fact excess moisture collected from the worm beds as evidence that the beds were inappropriately over-watered. The liquid collected is thus water that has passed through manures and other organic wastes’ taking up dissolved particles, anaerobic disease-bearing microbes and colours, so as collected it is actually ‘LEACHATE” and can be quite acidic and toxic.
In days gone by our parents would collect animal manures, drop them in a 44-gallon drum and fill the drum with water. This mix would be allowed to activate and stand for some months then the coloured water removed, diluted at least 10:1 and tested on some unneeded plants to see if they were badly affected, before using around fruit trees or vegies with caution.
Leachate is a very potent mix that if applied to plants as a concentrate will rapidly KILL plants and even mature trees. It needs to be diluted carefully and applied cautiously, but if so applied can aid plant growth.
However, if superfine worm ‘castings’ are diluted appropriately with water the resultant mix is Bio-safe and very effective for growing virtually ALL plants, flowers, fruits, herbs and trees. This mix is better known as ‘LIQUID CASTINGS”. Since the castings are so fine-textured it can be used as a fertigation mix used on plant leaves or directly to the roots without harm to plants.