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Health promoting foods are only possible with the assistance of beneficial microbes. Microbes that supply plants with every mineral need, moisture, disease resistance and protection from the elements.

Inorganic Chemical fertilisers can promote growth but hinder microbes and do not have the capability to add all the elements, minerals and vigour that plants and our bodies crave for happy, healthy long life.

Vermicycle’s concentrated Premium worm castings absolutely do. They are loaded with health promoting microbes that convert minerals into a form that plants can easily metabolise. Thus, animals and humans eating those plants are also benefited by those needed minerals.

Meanwhile the microbes and worms continue building the fertility, structure and value of your soils.

Vermiculture Benefits

Reduce Inputs & Costs

Worldwide Government reports show farm costs constantly escalate and profits struggle above breakeven – only your suppliers are doing well. Inputs and irrigation costs constantly needed.

Progressively eliminate the need for chemical fertilisers, pesticides and constant irrigation.

Allow Vermicycle’s Concentrated Premium Worm Castings to make the difference for YOU.

Vermiculture Benefits

Lower Risks from Weather & Pests

Microbes encourage deep lush root systems covered and vastly extended by beneficial fungi and bacteria.

Deep protected root systems allow extensive, healthy plant growth shielded from predatory diseases and pests but also offer significant support to plants during droughts, floods, fire and frost.

Vermicycle’s Concentrated Premium Worm Castings – in the absence of chemical additives – supply abundant, vital microbes and minerals to build this protection naturally.

Vermiculture Benefits

Higher Yields & Productivity

Improve nutrient availability and uptake for amazingly healthier plants with increased root mass, plant vigour, crop quality and unprecedented higher yields.

Vermicycle’s Concentrated Premium Worm Castings really can make these differences for YOU.

Vermiculture Benefits

Soil & Water Retention

Quality soils need sticky aggregates to bind and hold them together. The spaces between them allow water and air to pass deeper into the soil with ease.

Only Microbes and Worms can produce such aggregates. Aggregates that resist being eroded away yet store volumes of precious water for the tough times.

Vermicycle’s Premium Worm Castings jumpstart these processes and encourage the microbes and worms to keep working for you. Concentrated goodness for plants and soil.

Vermiculture Benefits

Soil Structure Improvement

Nothing changes for the better without better inputs. Definitely NOT chemical inputs. Beneficial bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa and microarthropods are the main players, captained by active earthworms.

They all work synergistically to build wonderful, aerated, well-structured soils that nourish, protect and hold volumes of water for your plants – broadacre or potted.

Vermicycle’s Concentrated Premium Worm Castings supply the microbes, worm capsules and mineralised nutrients that power and maintain the best and most natural soil structures.

Vermiculture Benefits

Nutrient & Microbial Enhancement

Sand, Silt, Clay, Peddles and Rocks are mother earth, full of nutrients that are unobtainable or metabolizable for plants – it is just DIRT!

Only when an abundant diversity of beneficial microbes is able to work their magic, supervised by industrious worms, does Dirt become LIVING SOIL – teaming with life, easily plant metabolised minerals, oxygen, water, root systems, soil structure – LIFE!

Worm Castings seed that life and those minerals. Vermicycle’s Concentrated Worm Castings, used correctly, can jumpstart your gardening success. Healthy, vibrant plant growth with higher mineral content that can jumpstart your better health too

Vermiculture Benefits

A Rewarding Test

Add just a cup of our concentrated worm castings to 10 cups of rainwater (for best results) in a jug or watering can. Mix it vigorously and you will see the fine particles swirl with the water.

Pour a small amount around any plants of your choice allowing the solids to be incorporated into your soil – it can’t hurt any plant (used correctly) – and wait to see how fast they grow, flower and fruit. Discover how good they look and how delightfully different the fruits taste.

You will earn the ‘bragging rights’ for your outstanding results. Please tell everyone ‘How you did it’.

We would love to see your results. Before and after pictures do it best.

Thank you

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Social Benefits

Organic Wastes that could otherwise be cast away or ‘buried’ are repurposed and revalued as concentrated, amazingly fertile, safe, LIVING topsoil. Topsoil that would otherwise take Nature “1,000 years to produce 3cm depth”. This topsoil abounds with microbial diversity in incomprehensible numbers Microbes that source essential nutrients vital for plants and the animals that eat them – including US. Those nutrients are ‘mineralised’ by the microbes, who, once dead or digested leave minerals sourced from mother earth, now in a totally plant available form, ready to be taken up and metabolised into our plant foods. If it is in our foods, then it is there for OUR health and nourishment too. Without these microbes neither our plant crops or ourselves would be able to draw these minerals from the soil, needed for healthy lives.

Without these mineralised nutrients our plants and we become weaker, more vulnerable, more sickly and experience extremely poor quality of life. Healthier foods produce healthier humans and thus the burden of care and expense can be vastly reduced.

Just one benefit.

If this has stimulated your thoughts, please forward your ideas in an email to us. We would be pleased to share them.


Ecological Benefits

‘Mother Dirt’ is what we would call sand, silt, clay, pebbles and rocks that do not contain massive diversity and even greater numbers of living microbes – particularly aerobic bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, microarthropods, worms and more.

Mother Earth, specifically soils crafted and structured by worms and microbes, is thus living soil. It moves internally, breaths, grows, reproduces, eats, dies and cycles sustainably. Using the sand, silt, rocks, pebbles and rocks (DIRT) supplied in their vicinity as a consistent source of minerals. This ecosystem is essential to plant photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and oxygen cycling, nutritious foods and vibrantly beautiful landscapes.

Every terrestrial ecosystem is in someway effected by the soil microbiome – living organisms working for us.


Agricultural Benefits

Soils before inorganic fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides and all those other ‘…cides’ – before World War 2 – abounded with microbial life and worms, their confederates. Fields and plains naturally grew healthy, year-round pasture and forests. No need for hay gathering or even fear of fires. Permanent pastures, much higher in available crude proteins for animal health and growth. Less need, if at all, for veterinarians or medicines.

An important ‘element’ missing from today’s soils is sequestered soil cardon with its associated sequestered nitrogen too. Only soils protected from excessive tillage, with well structured cover crops year round and an active soil microbiome – microbes and worms – can anticipate growing these assets.

Plants absolutely need microbes and worms, soils need all three. When harmony is achieved then root systems stretch deeper into the soil. Not just centimetres but metres down into living, developing and constantly renewing soil life.

“For every tonne of sequestered soil carbon, the soil can hold 10 tonnes more water…”  for extended years. What an amazing difference plants would experience with deep well fed and watered root systems feeding plants, and microbes sharing minerals between species. How much better would they fare in extended drought, flooding rains, freezing frosts and destructive fire – all too common here in Australia.

How much healthier would animals be feeding on nutritious, well-fed pastures that potentially can produce from 12 to 48% crude protein without any added inorganic chemical fertilisers or poisonous weedicides, pesticides or the like? If the expense of all these chemicals and the equipment, fuels and manhours were vastly reduced, would that not be a range of wonderful and most desirable benefits?

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