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What our Customers are saying

I have been using your worm casting in my pot plants and for general garden plants, herbs and flowers for approximately 6 months now and I have been pleasantly amazed by the speed of the growth of my plants and so many blooms and flowers in my garden. I have never had such a beautiful garden which I have been trying to do for many years. But when I started using the worm casting my roses, in particular, have been producing an endless supply of multiple buds with beautiful floral scents.

I only have to use a scoop mixed with potting mix to have amazing results or a cup-full in water poured around my favourite plants and shrubs. It doesn’t smell, is easy to apply and doesn’t attract any unwanted pests.

Many of my friends have been complementing me on all the colours and beautiful smell of my garden and have been asking me “What is your secret?” There is no secret, apart from using an excellent quality worm casting product. I will never need to use anything else.

Chantal Pitman

Home Gardener

As a Biology teacher, I was very concerned with the lack of nutrition in our farmed food. I researched the best available compost and came across Vermicycle’s worm castings packed with microbes. I planted my own vegie garden using these castings and had delicious vegetables ready to pick within 2 weeks. If I hadn’t grown them myself, I wouldn’t have believed it – just amazing!

Rachel Reed

Biology Teacher

I was having difficulty growing anything in my veggie garden because the soil I purchased from my garden supply had very little nutrients in it. After adding worm castings from Vermicycle my pawpaw seedlings have taken off and my lemon basil is going crazy!

Thanks Vermicycle, I am finally getting some value out of my garden.

Parichat Thepbon

Home Gardener

I am the wife of this worm castings producer. I have never actively been involved with gardening. Raising eleven children can really occupy your time. When your husband launches into such a unique project it is hard not to be sceptical.

He brought me home crushed, dried and virtually dead orchids and leafy potted plants, thrown away by local supermarkets, into their bins. He suggested I mix a cup of Vermicycle’s concentrated castings in 10 cups of water and water each plant gently, allowing some of the solid castings to mix in the potting soil. I had been told orchids, in particular, are sensitive and hard to revive.

To my great pleasure, the orchids came back to life and started to flower profusely after just one feeding. That seemed somewhat miraculous considering they had finished flowering and that was why they had been neglected and discarded. From 2 to 3 weeks later, the plants looked great … and I did it!

I asked Mr Google, “how often do orchids flower?” The reply, “Once a year, unless they are very happy”.

Obviously, they were now very happy. I have enjoyed displaying my handyworks in each bathroom and the dinning room and have had beautiful flowers continually since 10/9/2022. They are still flowering but finishing soon, 14/2/2023. I am ‘hooked’ on my gardening now.

I am a believer. You can be too. Just try it

Pamela Hannant

Home Gardener