Our Bio-Organic Castings & Liquid Castings are Built Different
Worm castings provide vital micro-organisms and enzymes that help break down organic matter in the soil making it more easily absorbed by plant roots. It also helps strengthen plants’ immunity to vast range of predatory microbes, bacteria, fungi, nemitodes and more.
Worldwide, most worm castings producers use air-activated composting for their wastes for 2 weeks up to 40 days then feed it to their worm bin/beds for worms to move through, looking for what little food still remains in the mix. They POOP as they go and this is called “PURE WORM CASTINGS but is actually only a “Worm Worked” product.
Vermicycle’s wormcastings are produced from progressively feeding each enormous bed, several times per week and the numbers of worms needed and maintained at billions. This NATURAL but professionally accelerated process continues for 12 to 18 months to ensure bio-security with the highest diversity and numbers of necessary, beneficial microbes.
Vermicycle’s concentrated worm castings are loaded with humus, humic acids and a great diversity of mineralised nutrients – ready for easy plant metabolism. Specifically sourced worm food organics allow for the greatest diversity and numbers of microbes available to assist, protect and prosper your plant crops.
Vermicycle's 18 Month Production Process
Mixed organic food wastes and selected animal manures are combined and fed to our worms
A completed feed bed
Lettuce leaves are used as a top layer covering
Concentrated castings left after 18 months
Concentrated castings bagged & ready to ship
Mixed organic food wastes and selected animal manures are combined and fed to our worms
A completed feed bed
Lettuce leaves are used as a top layer covering
Concentrated castings left after 18 months
Concentrated castings bagged & ready to ship
Vermicastings are fine grained, light and fluffy or moist and pliable like play-dough.
Worms working manure
From manure into this in around 80 days and
Worm ‘castings’ are as above.
Castings can be like this, from deep-digging earthworms in the field.
Worms working manure
From manure into this in around 80 days and
Worm ‘castings’ are as above.
Castings can be like this, from deep-digging earthworms in the field.