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Vermicycle recycle organic wastes – manures, food wastes, green wastes, paper, cardboard, paunch, biosolids, etc, etc – responsibly, reliably and sustainably into the best topsoil that Nature can produce, using millions of worms and trillions of beneficial microbes.

The resultant concentrated topsoil has been progressively ‘grown’ for 18 months and fed twice a week until it is 1.2 metres deep and extensively worm-worked. The texture is extremely fine and the grains like talcum powder but group together forming micro-aggregates loaded with plant beneficial microbes and abounding in bio-available plant nutrients ready for plants to easily metabolise as needed.

Any human, animal or plant diseases are reliably eliminated – they are what worms eat – and disease resisting bacteria and fungi are seeded in via the worm ‘poo’ to replace them. The incredible diversity of microbes ensures every plant in any condition will be benefited.

Plants, turf, shrubs and trees thrive on the worm castings’ assisting and actively protecting them from diseases and pests.  Additionally, the environment created with these castings and microbes working synergistically with all plants – even sensitive flowers – significantly reduces plant stress from drought, fire, flood, frost and other temperature extremes.

Expensive inorganic, synthetic, chemical fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides become unnecessary and in fact, are actually counterproductive. When your soils are loaded with microbial life and literally feeding each plant for its entire life, then no additives are needed and the possibility of sequestering soil carbon, metres deep under your plants can become a reality too. For every tonne of sequestered soil carbon your soil can then hold 10 tonnes of water as well. This then allowing plants to flourish in any condition and look great all the time.

Plentiful humic and fulvic acids, worm mucus, enzymes are more of the castings-provided benefits. These efficiently decompose dead organic matter into plant food and assist seeds to geminate and grow better, faster and stronger. Seedlings, turf, small plants, vines and shrubs, as well as monster transplanted trees are safely able to avoid shock and advance faster and healthier. Plants and grains flower faster, better, more prolifically, for longer. Fruits faster, better, more, bigger and taste amazingly better too.

Liquid castings, microbial extracts and teas made from these castings significantly restore beneficial microbes to soils, leaves, stems and roots of all plants. Seeds are effectively inoculated with such liquids. These foliar sprays do not burn or hurt even the most sensitive plants or flowers and there is no withholding time required. They are not harmful at all if contacted by animals or humans.

Earthworms and soil microbes (beneficial bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and micro-arthropods, etc,) have only beneficial functions in the soil. Soil is just DIRT without them, organic matter and growing plants.

Our recycled organic products relive as valuable, necessary, vital, essential, protective, nourishing topsoil that efficiently form micro-aggregates then macro-aggregates in soil to allow more moisture to
penetrate deeply into you soil and pull more oxygen in behind it. Even compaction problems can be naturally overcome when the anaerobic microbes are replaced by aerobic multitudes. With the right mix of microbes in your soil even weeds can be dramatically reduced without further effort, inputs or cost.

As much as all this sounds like an extravagant sales pitch all this and much more still is available from reputable scientific sources from around the world. Google Scholar shows more than 310,000 relevant
scientific reports, peer approved that tell this same true story.