Vermicycle recycle organic wastes – manures, food wastes, green wastes, paper, cardboard, paunch, biosolids, etc, etc - responsibly, reliably and sustainably into the best topsoil that Nature can produce, using…
Not just America, but now Australia also has its own quality Premium worm castings in commercial quantities available to Mums and Dads, the plant supply industry, orchardists, vineyards, broad acre/row…
Most people are raised believing that ‘microbes’ is another name for ‘germs’, And everyone knows that germs are what make us sick. Right? You may be as shocked as I…
Worm wee is a poor choice of words to those who know the ‘outputs’ of worms. Worms do not produce copious quantities of urine. What is commonly referred to as…
Vermicastings is more scientific for the castings or ‘poop’ from worms. Vermicastings has a SUPERFINE texture and when added to water makes an unbelievably safe and potent growing medium that…
Selected organic wastes processed entirely naturally by millions of compost-manure worms. Their ‘wastes’ or ‘poo’ have been ground in their digestive ‘crops’ and pooped out. You have to know –…
Thus, we use millions of well managed compost-manure worms to recycle vast quantities of food wastes, manures, animal food wastes, paper & cardboard & abattoir wastes into amazing, natural TOPSOIL…
Now this is an interesting subject. We all like financial benefits, I am sure. Consider: If our worms can effectively convert vast quantities of animal manures, feed wastes and even…
Thermophilic composting and Mesophilic composting or vermicomposting are two of the best-known processes for the biological stabilization of solid organic wastes… Vermicomposting, which involves the bio-oxidation and stabilization of organic…
Raw manures, even ‘aged’ manures have the potential to spread disease pathogens, toxins and strongly acidic compounds to fields and gardens. Airborne particles and lingering odours are equally undesirable to…
Commercial chemical fertilisers are basically what Chemical companies produce when not producing bombs from their chemicals.
NPK is referred to on every fertiliser pack. This represents the three basic elements…