Not just America, but now Australia also has its own quality Premium worm castings in commercial quantities available to Mums and Dads, the plant supply industry, orchardists, vineyards, broad acre/row crop farmers, and … you name it.
After almost 30 years of R&D and loads of practical experience, Vermicycle is the proud producer of tonnes of amazing, concentrated, premium worm castings – plants love it!
“So what” you say?
So, wouldn’t you appreciate the best seed germination rates, healthier, more vibrant seedlings? Plants that grow healthier, faster, bigger, better, flower sooner, more prolifically, fruit sooner, more abundantly and even taste better? What about food-plants loaded with all the minerals, nutrients and proteins that we and our animals crave? How about plants and trees that can come back from almost dead or plants protected and nourished superbly for the rest of their ‘blooming’ lives? Plants that would prefer no till, no inorganic chemical salts, no fungicides, weedicides or pesticides – at all. How good is that!
So, we offer you worm castings that are loaded with the plant-available ‘mineralised’ nutrients that only microbes can produce and densely populated with all the beneficial microbes your plants need for continued growth, health and production. Just some of the benefits of concentrated actual worm castings (poop) that have taken millions of worms almost 2 whole years to lay down, layer by layer, to 1.2 metres deep – Mother Nature can do no better producing Topsoils.
Transplanting trees, repotting plants, growing seedlings, growing / installing turf or boosting pastures and crops – any green plant benefits from the health and disease resistance enhanced by premium worm castings. Inorganic chemical fertilisers can promote some growth, but more often leave your plants lacking other needed nutrients, vulnerable to disease, vulnerable to pests and other environmental stresses. Less chemical residues lead to greater plant response to premium castings.
The amazing abundance and diversity of microbes in premium worm castings literally feed, effectively protect and water, for the life of the plant. This in return for simple sugar exudates from your plants. A synergy that really works.
Even adding just 10% of our castings to your soils or potting mixes will substantially improve the soil and resultant plant vigour. Try a cup of our castings mixed in 10 cups of good water then lightly water your favourite flowers or test plants, allowing the super fine solids to also enter your soil.
Microbe saturated liquid castings can literally change ‘barren’ to ‘bearing’. Then stand back and watch good things continue to grow. Inorganic chemical fertilisers cannot compare.
Undertake a seriously fun-trial with our premium worm castings. Prepare to be very impressed.
P.S. This Griffith Uni report highlights so many scientific quotes and facts relating to worm castings and their real virtues. If you doubt us, see if these guys spark hope. It may surprise you. Hope you enjoy it.
Full Length Research Paper: Embarking on a second green revolution for sustainable agriculture by vermiculture biotechnology using earthworms: Reviving the dreams of Sir Charles Darwin